Wednesday, 22/1/2025 | 1:55 UTC+0
Medbook – Medical, Health & Dental Articles & News

A Note on The Compound DIM

So, what is this new compound otherwise known as DIM?

The answer to this question is that it has a lot to do with the cure of cancer among other viral and bacterial diseases. Of course, there has been no such luck when it comes to finding a cure for this dreaded disease and with the discovery of this compound the possibility of a cure is fast becoming a reality.

While it is currently being used in the treatment of cancer while also being presented as a cancer prevention diet, the truth is that while its curative and preventative properties have been discovered, the medical community believes that there is more yet to be uncovered, thanks to the numerous benefits of this compound known as Diindolylmethane.

But where does this compound come from?

Researchers have found it to be present in abundance in the family of Brassica vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage, and broccoli and so on and so forth. And while this compound is being used in conjunction with other compounds as a viable treatment for cancer while also being used separately to conduct clinical trials as well.

And while it has been known to reduce both prostate and breast cancer by almost 40 to 60 %, this sign itself is giving a lot of people in the medical community some ‘food for thought’ and encouragement by which they can unravel the mysteries that are a part of this miraculous compound.
