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Medbook – Medical, Health & Dental Articles & News

Characteristics of an Injury: Why the Pain Didn’t Stop

One of the reason people move to Southern California is to enjoy the freedom of being outside. From the beaches to outside eateries, life in San Diego is geared towards being in the sunshine. But imagine being unable to leave the house. To move, breathe, and simply function is painful. And so, as a good portion of my friends were celebrating their time in the open air, I remained behind. Everything changed when I began to follow a plan of physical therapy in San Diego.

My condition stemmed from an equestrian injury sustained many years previous. Quite simply, my horse threw me and I suffered a bad landing. And for the following decade, what started as a sore back once in a while evolved into a condition that forced me to use a cane and endure the constant pain of a pinched sciatica. However, I can say that after just one treatment of acupuncture in San Diego. I found myself amazed that a great deal of the pain disappeared.

Truth is, the acupuncture served as a temporary cure. Granted, the muscles relieved me from their iron grip and the spasms subsided.  Yes, it was blissful. Though it gave me temporary relief, unfortunately the condition would flare again, the muscles would grab hold, and the spasms would start. And though I initially argued that I could maintain myself with the acupuncture treatments, I finally caved and listened to my practitioner’s advice.

Dr. Jan Zemplenyi is a specialist in Cosmetic Surgery and Facial Plastic Surgery. You can schedule an appointment with Dr. Jan Zemplenyi by calling his office.  Also, be sure to read more about Dr. Jan Zemplenyi’s work as a cosmetic surgeon.

The truth is I was rather frightened. I had heard so many previous horror stories of physical therapy and how painful it could be. But after being proven wrong, yet another time, by the pain returning, I finally took the plunge. And yes, it was difficult and also sometimes it was painful, though nowhere near as bad as I’d imagined. What followed was regular course of chiropractic treatment, specific circuit workouts, and even a change in diet to help facilitate healing and, I must admit, losing a few pounds.

The end result is a man who can now walk in the sunshine, climb hiking trails, ride my horses again, and swim in the ocean. Even more so, the very acts of sitting down and sleeping in my bed aren’t exercises in perfect placement to keep my back from seizing into a spasm. While I continue the exercises prescribed to me so I can maintain the good health of my back, it is a small price to pay for what has transpired.

If you suffer as I once did, then I urge you to get some treatment. There are solutions available. All you have to do is go get them. As for me, it was the best decision I’ve ever made.


This content has been provided by the care givers at RB Spine Center, providers of spinal decompression in San Diegoand other helpful treatments. Click on the link to see how we can help you feel better.
