Wednesday, 5/2/2025 | 1:03 UTC+0
Medbook – Medical, Health & Dental Articles & News

Diindolylmethane – The cancer fighter

If you mentioned the name Diindolylmethane to anyone, 99 percent of the time you would be met with blank stares and probably lose their attention. But if you told them that Diindolylmethane is a cancer fighting compound that naturally occurs in certain vegetables, you will quickly have a crowd gathering around you.

According to research conducted over the last few years, vegetables belonging to the Brassica genus naturally possess this compound in them. These vegetables are also known as cruciferous vegetables or as children would call them “yucky” vegetables. That can mean only one thing – Broccoli & friends.

Broccoli, cauliflower, horse radish, turnips, mustard seeds, rapeseed, kale cabbage and a host of other vegetables are great cancer fighters. They all possess Diindolylmethane or DIM in shortened form and should be essential components of your Cancer Prevention Diet. If you aren’t a health fanatic, eating these is going to take an effort. Especially when you consider that they are most potent when eaten raw. This is because the cooking process lowers the effectiveness of the DIM compound.

Nevertheless, in the name of healthy eating and a healthy body you should take the plunge and consume more of these vegetables. Start with small quantities and as you get used to the, eat more and more. If you want to know what other vegetables are beneficial, look around on the Internet; you will not only find the full list, but also interesting recipes for great salads and other dishes.
