Wednesday, 22/1/2025 | 10:57 UTC+0
Medbook – Medical, Health & Dental Articles & News

Diindolylmethane: A difference maker!

There are a slew of diseases that even until today have no cure. And while there are quirky remedies that apparently have been known to work for incurable diseases such as cancer, AIDS and so on and so forth, nothing can be further from the truth.

However, for those who are not suffering from any disease, there is a good chance that an immune system booster can do a lot for them while they go about their daily business. In fact, there are several cases where taking these pills have benefited several people.

And while there will always be fake products that advertise the benefits of their products with testimonials that can only be considered as a hoax, of late, there have been authentic advances in this field due to the identification and isolation of the a compound that is commonly known as DIM in the medical community.

Of course, the source of this miracle compound is from the Brassica vegetables and has been known to contribute greatly to the fortification of one’s immune system (in the form of a supplement) but also greater success in the treatment of diseases such as cancer, AIDS and a host of bacterial and viral diseases that people are succumbing to everyday. Yes, it’s called Diindolylmethane and it has been making waves in the medical community for its benefits for a while now.
