Wednesday, 22/1/2025 | 11:07 UTC+0
Medbook – Medical, Health & Dental Articles & News

Focusing on a Dairy Free Diet

When it comes to dealing with problems of the skin it is far more beneficial to find the source of the problem than to try to cover the problem up with various products. More times than not the real problem is internal and is something easy to fix. Most of the time a small change in a person’s diet is all they need to deal with their skin problems.

Skin Trigger

For a very long time, dairy products have been recognized as triggers for various skin conditions. This is especially true for those that are worsened by inflammation. This includes acne, rosacea, and eczema. Dairy products can become very acidic in the stomach and can make it difficult for the body to go through the necessary detoxification process to prevent these skin conditions.  The strong link is between acne and the consumption of dairy products.  This is because the consumption fermented dairy products such as milk can cause a hormonal imbalance in the human body. This can lead congested skin and blocked pores.

Health Benefits

Individuals who pursue a dairy free diet have noticed a decrease in the amount of stress and nausea that they experience on a daily basis. A large number of individuals also claim that they are able to sleep better and have more energy to burn during the day as well. Dairy free diets also make individuals far less prone to digestive problems. For example, an individual who suffers from frequent Irritable Bowel Syndrome can really benefit from a dairy free diet.

Guest post provided by Kahthan Deane of Paleo Forever. Visit the site for more information on the Paleo diet like easy Paleo Breakfast ideas.
