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Medbook – Medical, Health & Dental Articles & News

Health Benefits of Bamboo Floors

Article written by Bamboo Flooring Facts

                These days bamboo flooring is increasing in popularity and can be found in many homes offices in stores. Bamboo flooring is mainly known for its unique look and texture. Many choose to buy bamboo flooring because it adds a more exotic look and brings the beauty of nature with it. However one thing is neglected when most people enumerate the reasons why they buy bamboo flooring. This being that bamboo flooring contains a number of health benefits.

                Bamboo flooring should be installed in the homes of allergy sufferers. Bamboo flooring has been known to be ideal for allergy sufferers because they do not promote dust or harbor dust mites. Thanks to this, those who suffer from allergic rhinitis can sleep easy at night knowing that the floors in their home will not cause another allergy attack.

                Another health benefit of bamboo flooring is one that concerns itself with formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is a volatile organic compound and is a metabolic byproduct in most organisms. Although it occurs naturally it can be unhealthy in high levels. Many industries use formaldehyde forf its useful properties. Formaldehyde can be used in adhesives, making strong bonds. However, bamboo flooring requires a different kind of adhesive. This type of adhesive is one that contains a lower amount of formaldehyde. These adhesives emit a level of formaldehyde that is well below European and American air-quality recommendations.

                These are just some of the health benefits that bamboo flooring has an much more information on bamboo floors can be found throughout the Internet.

Bamboo Flooring Facts is a website that contains various resources on bamboo flooring. You can find many useful articles in it as well as sources of discount bamboo flooring.
