Monday, 27/1/2025 | 5:09 UTC+0
Medbook – Medical, Health & Dental Articles & News
  • What NOT to Do When Purchasing a EMR Software

    Computers have taken over the world of medicine practice!  Today, doctors are able to keep up with their day to day procedures, operations and exams with a technology known as practice management software. Who ever knew such software would do everything from capturing demographics of patients to performing billing and insurance processing tasks? This technology

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  • Safe and Effective Gastric Bypass Alternatives

    After a failed gastric bypass or an unsuccessful lap banding surgery, a patient may encounter several complications which may be short-term or long-term. Various weight loss surgical methods may not work too well for some, and patients may experience the ill effects of a surgery that was originally done to make them healthier.  The complications

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  • What exactly is DIM

    Would you like to know the latest in the medical field? Well if you must know, scientists have now discovered a certain substance called DIM that’s made up of several anti-cancer chemicals. The said chemicals help in fighting the occurrence of cancer, and strengthen the body’s natural immune system. The National Cancer Institute has also

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  • Excellent periodontic service in Los Angeles

    For people who are looking for the best cosmetic dentistry Los Angeles has to offer, look no further than Eagle Rock Dental Group. They’ve got the most professional cosmetic dentists on west side of the US, experienced in improving the appearance and overall function of a person’s teeth. And while cosmetic dentistry has yet to

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  • Family and Cosmetic Dentistry

    Taking care of your teeth can be a challenge at times, but if you know about the reasons to use some form of family and cosmetic dentistry you can see that taking care of your teeth is easy. However, you need to realize that these people are going to have several different specialties. One of

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  • The Lupus rash

    The lupus rash or lupus face rash as it is commonly known, generally affects skin that is exposed to the Sun. The disease is visible as a rash that appears on the skin. It is called face rash because that is the most visible part of the body that everyone can see. Although it is

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  • The best dentist in Glendale, CA giving you the smile you need!

    A smile is a factor that determines an individual’s personality. It is the foremost thing that everyone notices. Even otherwise teeth indicate the status of your health. Many individuals who have discolored stained or even crooked teeth are always self-conscious and eventually become antisocial. If you are suffering from this problem then chin-up, cosmetic dentistry

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  • The natural Immune System Booster

    There are various substances sold in over the counter marked “Immune System Booster”. While they may or may not work, what you have to realize is that they are all artificial. This basically means that there could be side effects after ingesting them and some of them can be very painful. What you should be

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  • Do you need alkaline water filters for home?

    When the Danish chemist introduced the concept of pH to the world, little did he known that there would a whole range of applications that this would be used in especially in matters of fitness and health. Almost every athlete understands the difference between alkaline water in comparison to normal drinking and bottled water. And

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