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Medbook – Medical, Health & Dental Articles & News

The Lupus rash

The lupus rash or lupus face rash as it is commonly known, generally affects skin that is exposed to the Sun. The disease is visible as a rash that appears on the skin. It is called face rash because that is the most visible part of the body that everyone can see.

Although it is generally found on the exposed parts of the skin, it is certainly not limited to those areas. It can even spread to your chest, feet and back. Simply put, Lupus can spread to the whole body; however, you can treat it and avoid any scarring as well. Getting the right medical treatment is key to curing this disease. This is difficult because diagnosing Lupus is a very difficult task. Doctors cannot be faulted for not diagnosing it correctly because many of the signs denote Lupus are also signs of other diseases.

Here are some of the symptoms of lupus which you should take note of:

  1. Rashes in the rough butterfly shapes
  2. Low fever which lasts for an unusually long time
  3. Painful and/or swollen joints
  4. Unusual and excessive tiredness.

Sadly, there is no test that can pin it down and say “this is Lupus”; but research is still continuing. If you are interested in doing your part to help this research, you can take part in local charity events like a charity walk in aid of Lupus research. Look online for more details and do what you can to raise awareness about this disease.
