Monday, 27/1/2025 | 7:18 UTC+0
Medbook – Medical, Health & Dental Articles & News

The natural Immune System Booster

There are various substances sold in over the counter marked “Immune System Booster”. While they may or may not work, what you have to realize is that they are all artificial. This basically means that there could be side effects after ingesting them and some of them can be very painful.

What you should be doing instead of resorting to these pills is to go with some natural immune system boosters. This is easy to do if you know how and you actually do but don’t realize it. The first step is to admit that your mom was right when she tried to feed you all those vegetables when you were a kid. Vegetables have a lot of great properties and these properties are beneficial to you when ingested in the correct way.

Broccoli, one of the most hated vegetables is rich in a compound that boosts the immune system. This compound is called Diindolylmethane or DIM and is also found in vegetables that belong to the same family as Broccoli does. Broccoli, cauliflower, mustard seeds, kale, rutabaga, cabbage etc. all belong to the same family and that is the Cruciferous family. As long as you eat them raw or as close to raw as possible, you will get the maximum benefit from them. You can cook them, but the longer it is cooked more and more beneficial compounds break down and are lost. If you want to know more about this compound, talk to your dietician or doctor and get their advice.
