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Medbook – Medical, Health & Dental Articles & News

What is Gastric bypass?

A Gastric bypass is a combination of aspects such as malabsorptive and restrictive weight loss surgery. It is commonly known as the duodenal switch operation which is a hybrid surgical procedure with the primary purpose of helping the patient to reduce weight.

This duodenal switch operation is conducted removing a large portion of the stomach but is distinctive due to the fact that the pyloric valve is left intact. The best solution for failed gastric bypass is the duodenal switch operation which removes the gallbladder as well as the appendix.

However, one must take note that gastric bypass alternatives are for the obese who have tried every possible way to lose weight. The most common and less invasive bariatric surgeries for obesity are lap band and gastric bypass. Obesity can affect every system in the body, while lowering the quality of one’s life and causing a multitude of health problems that can led to an early death. This is why in some cases these drastic measures need to be adopted.

Both surgeries are accomplished by using cameras and slender instruments with 3 to 4 small incisions, called a laparoscopic procedure.

Sometimes, gastric bypass patients do not achieve their weight loss goals. In these circumstances, gastric bypass patients should do the revision of lap band for additional help to lose excess weight. But it is recommended that one should explore all possibilities when it comes to weight loss through surgery.
