Wednesday, 22/1/2025 | 1:57 UTC+0
Medbook – Medical, Health & Dental Articles & News

What is the Gluten-Free Diet?

Gluten is a protein that is not found in eggs or meat. Gluten is instead found in wheat, wheat gluten, barley and rye and going through the gluten-free process involves avoiding these types of grains.  A gluten-free type of diet is essential for those who are allergic to gluten or have a condition called celiac disease which causes intestinal damages whenever gluten is consumed.  Some ingredients to watch out for are malt flavoring which contains barley and hydrolyzed vegetable protein containing wheat.  Oats don’t contain gluten but they may increase gluten symptoms such as bloating, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

Saying goodbye to bread products such as white, wheat, rye, and marble, including bagels, croissants, muffins, scones, hamburger buns, and pizza are hard to give up.  There are many health food stores, major supermarkets and discount stores that carry gluten-free products including breads.  It takes looking at the labels to make sure the products are 100% gluten-free.  They are usually made from potato-flour or rice.

Many breakfast cereals are a casualty for those who are on the diet.  It’s important to read the list of ingredients on the product labels to avoid cereals that contain wheat starch, and malt flavoring. Some better cereal alternatives are corn and rice-based cereals but remember to carefully read the labels as some of these cereals may contain malt in them.  Look into trying rice and potatoes as an alternative to spaghetti.  There are now more options available for gluten-free pasta and more.   Keep in mind there are alternatives involved that can help with getting over going completely gluten-free.

Article provided by Paleo Forever. Covering everything Paleo from guides to recipes like Paleo Zucchini Chips.
