Wednesday, 22/1/2025 | 10:53 UTC+0
Medbook – Medical, Health & Dental Articles & News

Why DIM has made such an impact on the medical community

Up until the discovery made just recently that showed promise in the fight against cancer among other viral and bacterial diseases, there has been little progress in terms of finding a cure for several diseases that continue to take lives by the millions.

All this has changed, thanks to a compound (known as Diindolylmethane) that has been observed to fight against cancer amongst other diseases, and which is gaining a lot of attention from the medical community as several clinical trials that are using this compound (for a host of diseases) is currently underway.

As it has been observed so far, DIM works well in conjunction with the most effective treatment medication for cancer, and is showing much better results than when the cancer medication is given without the compound.

And the fact of the matter is that this compound is available naturally from the vegetables that belong to the Brassica family, and so that removes all suspicion as to whether or not it can be effective or not.

However, this is not all that the compound can do, as in consuming the vegetables that belong to Brassica one can reduce the likelihood of the occurrence of cancer thus making it an effective cancer prevention diet.

One way or another, with the positive results so far, and the promise that it holds when it comes to the cure of the world’s most diseases, it seems as if this compound will continue to make waves and give hope to million of patients around the world.
